Amazon Sponsored Ads: Boosting Sales for Your Wholesale Products

A man sits planning out his digital ads

Amazon Sponsored Ads: Boosting Sales for Your Wholesale Products

There’s no better way to sit back and make money from your couch with your Amazon FBA business than advertising. A strong ad campaign takes care of the bulk of the work a business owner must do – promoting products, generating sales, etc. – with minimal effort. All it takes is a well-crafted strategy and knowledge of how to use Amazon sponsored ads to your advantage.

What are Amazon Sponsored Ads?

Amazon sponsored ads are advertisements that target specific shopping queries (keywords, terms, etc.) or products. These ads are shown in high-visibility spaces, like the first page of search results, to encourage shoppers to view certain products or brands. 

There are three main types of sponsored ads that Amazon uses:

  1. Sponsored Products: These ads aim to increase sales and drive traffic to product pages. They show up near the top of search results to promote specific products. You can spot these ads by looking for products marked with a “sponsored” label. Users only pay for these ads when someone clicks on them (pay-per-click ads).
  2. Sponsored Brands: These ads are designed to boost brand awareness and help increase sales across a business’ entire catalog. Sponsored brand ads can include multiple products and a brand’s logo or headline in one image, which shows up near the top of search results. They also operate on a pay-per-click model.
  3. Sponsored Display: This type of ad targets audiences who view specific products but don’t make a purchase. They may appear on product detail pages, in search results, and outside of Amazon. 

Benefits of Using Sponsored Ads for Wholesale Products

Aside from the obvious benefit of getting more clicks and sales, Amazon sponsored ads offer benefits that help set businesses apart. Examples of perks you can take advantage of include:

  • More Visibility: The more shoppers see your product and brand, the more familiar they become with your business. This is true even if they don’t end up clicking or making a purchase.
  • Attracting Traffic: You can bring shoppers to specific product pages or direct them to your entire shop to increase how many eyes are on your listings.
  • Scaling Your Business: Advertising allows you to take what’s already working and spread it to more people. It also gives you a chance to establish a name for your business that’s unique enough to bolster your success moving forward.

How to Set Up Amazon Sponsored Ads

Not all Amazon sponsored ads are available to all sellers. However, to use any of them, there are a few basic steps you’ll need to follow.

Choose the Right Sponsored Ad for You

Think carefully about your goals for your ad campaign. What do you hope to gain? If sales and traffic on pages is most important to you, it’s probably best to opt for sponsored products. However, if building a recognizable brand is more of a priority, sponsored brand ads are likely the way to go.

Create a Game Plan

Set your advertising budget and devise a bidding strategy (i.e., how much you can pay per click or ad) before you get the ball rolling. It also helps to determine which keywords you’d like to target as you create your ads.

Craft Compelling Copy & Images

Your ads will be one of the first things people see as they shop, so make sure they represent you well. Use only high-quality product images and engaging copy (the text that goes on your ads) to let shoppers know that your business is one to trust.

Tips to Optimize Your Amazon Sponsored Ads

As you create and oversee your sponsored ads, you might run into some hiccups or areas to grow. Tips like the following will help you stay ahead of the crowd and adjust advertisements to fit a changing marketplace.

  • Stay Updated: Continuously monitor your ads for performance and take time to analyze what could be tweaked. 
  • Adjust Accordingly: Adjust bids and budgets based on ad performance. Consider where to expand and how to change things.
  • Use A/B Testing: Show different versions of your ads to different groups within your target audience to see which options perform the best.
  • Invest in Quality: No one likes to feel advertised to. Sponsored ads are everywhere, so you need yours to stand out. Make sure it’s attractive, polished, and has all the information a shopper needs to make the splurge. 

Final Thoughts

Amazon sponsored ads can help you promote your listings to a wider audience, driving more traffic, sales, and success for your business. There’s much more nuance to creating ads than we’ve covered here, but before anything else, you’ll need products worthy of advertising. You can trust NexDeal to deliver top-quality daily wholesale deals that make stocking your shop with hot products a breeze. Our team is always happy to help you explore the best ways to let your business flourish, so don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.